Monday, March 12, 2012


The power and majesty
The reverence and peace..
Beautiful. Poetic.
The images leap from the page
The notes within my soul
ringing pure and true.

It is hard 
to be surrounded by beauty.
To recognize it in everything
I thought I had moved past this.
Thought I had put it behind me.
But, no, it was only buried.
Waiting. Biding its time to resurface.

Depression rears its ugly head
in so many ways.
I think I am moving forward.
But, am I wrong?

Am I not a better, stronger,
woman than the insecure girl I once was?
Cannot I beat this
once and for all?

I am not ugly
I possess beauty and strength.
I am considerate of others.
I am sincere.
I recognize the good in others
and try to make them 
aware of the good I see.

Remember. Remember.
Joy. Laughter. Family. Love.
Children giggling, playing, imagining.
Warm sunshine bringing me to life.
Birds singing, welcoming spring.
Hunger and thirst after beauty.
Orange flames licking the dark night.
Dancing, ebbing, flowing, growing.
Newborn breath, chest rising and falling
in a calming rhythm.
Eyelid fluttering in pleasant slumber.
God buoys us up. Never leaves us alone.
Fear has no place in my heart.
Fear is not of God.
God will comfort me.

I will not seek after the praise
of mankind.
I am good enough.
I will not compare myself to others.
I will love myself.
I will accept myself.
Some sorrows are unseen.
Everyone suffers.
God knows us. Knows our hearts 
and our desires.